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IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Photofacial (Opus Plasma) in Clovis, CA

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What is IPL?

Individuals who are bothered by the appearance of sun damage or dark or redspots on their skin may be ideal candidates for intense pulsed light (IPL) treatments at Clovis Laser Center. A photofacial with IPL is a rejuvenating treatment for pigmentation problems on the face,neckand chest. Dr. Timothy Roth uses intense wavelengths of light to set off the natural healing process and boost collagen production. In time, you should begin to see a healthier complexion, an improved tone, and fewer areas of hyperpigmentation. Even though a photofacial is a noninvasive procedure, it can be very effective and can produce impressive results for your complexion. Our Clovis, CA team employs the Alma Harmony XL PRO laser to perform IPL photofacials and can provide a skin consultation to determine if this service can help renew your skin.

What skin conditions does IPL address?

An IPL photofacial works deep within the layers of your skin to correct several complexion blemishes (particularly brown lesions and sun spots) with minimal or no recovery needed. Candidates for IPL at Clovis Laser Center will have a combination of problems with their skin, including rosacea, sun damage, brown spots (hyperpigmentation), rough texture, large pores, flushing, melasma, sun and age spots, or spider veins. Dr. Timothy Roth will examine your complexion to determine if you are a candidate for a photofacial during your initial consultation.

What Are the Benefits of IPL?

IPL photofacials are sought-after at Clovis Laser Center for their restorative qualities. A few of the benefits that our Clovis, CA individuals enjoy from their IPL photofacials are:

  • Improved skin tone and texture
  • Balancing of pigmentation and brown spots
  • Refreshed, rejuvenated skin aesthetic
  • Relaxing, enjoyable treatment that supports total skin vibrance

Am I a Candidate for IPL?

Prior to any treatment, Dr. Roth or one of our certified providers will thoroughly examine your skin, discuss your concerns and goals, review your health history, and determine whether your desired treatment may be safe, appropriate, and effective for you. Generally speaking, candidates for IPL photofacial treatment are in good health, not pregnant, and have no active skin infections. Patients whose primary concerns are hyperpigmentation, sun spots, redness, large pores, melasma, and similar issues often benefit from IPL treatment. Patients with darker skin tones may be encouraged to consider an alternative skin rejuvenation treatment to avoid unwanted side effects.


How much does IPL cost?
Your skin is unique, which means the cost of IPL treatments will depend on your individual condition. Clovis Laser Center offers special deals at times, and we accept a range of convenient payment methods. During your first visit, our team can help estimate your cost and recommend the number of appointments needed to maximize your results.

How quick are the results from IPL?
Some skin improvements can be seen after each Harmony XL PRO IPL therapy session, but the best results typically develop around one month after your last treatment. It is common for your skin to get varying results after each treatment. You should see a fading of redness, blotchiness, sunspots, and age spots over time.

What are the possible side effects of IPL?
Most women and men notice mild side effects, like temporary redness, swelling, blisters, bruising, or crusting. These should go away 2 – 3 days following your treatment. The treated areas will be sun-sensitive, and you should keep in mind that exposure to damaging UV rays can negatively affect the results of the procedure. Whenever you go outside, you should always wear sunscreen to help prevent skin issues like redness and sun spots.

Do I need to prep for IPL?
To prepare for IPL therapy, Clovis, CA patients are usually asked to avoid self-tanners and sun exposure for a minimum of 2 – 4 weeks before their treatment. You may be asked to discontinue the use of minocycline, tetracycline, doxycycline, or Retin-A/Tretinoin a few days prior to your appointment, and we may recommend that you avoid taking anti-inflammatory medications and blood thinners for one week before your appointment to help prevent bruising. You should also protect the treated areas with sunscreen since your skin will be extra sensitive.

Why should I get multiple IPL sessions?
Multiple IPL treatments are better to deliver gradual improvements to your complexion. Every treatment helps to diminish sun spots and hyperpigmentation. Several sessions also produce longer-lasting aesthetic improvements.

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.